

A native of Wilkes County, Eddie Settle learned at an early age about business. Upon graduation from East Wilkes High School in 1978, he began attending Wilkes Community College, majoring in Business. In 1979, Eddie went into the family business that his dad started in 1970, Nu-Line Printing, Inc. As a side venture, Eddie started Settle Cattle Company in 1990. In 1994, Eddie bought Nu-Line Printing, Inc. from his father. He continues operating both the printing and cattle companies today.

Eddie knows how integral politics is to business. He understands that high taxes stifles business, which in turn kills jobs and destroys the economy. Eddie was elected to represent Wilkes County on its Board of County Commissioners in 2012, and he has been serving consecutive terms since.

He has served four years as Chairman and three years as Vice Chairman of the Board. He has recently been appointed Chairman of the Environmental Steering Committee of the NCACC (North Carolina Association of County Commissioners). He has served six years as Chairman of the Agriculture Steering Committee of the NCACC.

Eddie served on the Wilkes County Economic Development Corporation’s Board of Directors from 2013 through 2017, and he served on the Wilkes County Library Board from 2015 until 2019. He has been serving on the Wilkes County Airport Board since December 2019, and he has been serving on the High Country Council since 2020. He is the Board Chairman of Wilkes County’s Social Services Department this year. Since 2016, he has served on Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital’s Auxiliary/Foundation Board.

As evidenced by his work in Wilkes and Surry counties, Eddie has the necessary experience to represent the district in the North Carolina Senate. He has made and is continuing to make a difference in the lives of Wilkes County and Surry County residents, and he wants to continue doing the same for them as well as for others in the surrounding counties at the state level.


During his time as a County Commissioner, he has NEVER voted to raise taxes. In fact, he voted to LOWER them in 2016. With the trillions of dollars the Biden administration is trying to give away, the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren will have a difficult time paying the country’s debt. The debt ratio to China is through the ceiling and is very concerning. He will
never support a tax increase. The free ride must stop, and people must be put back to work. Expanding government and increasing taxes is not the answer. Cutting unnecessary spending and helping businesses create jobs is the answer.

Eddie has helped Wilkes County remain free of big government mandates. The County Commissioners have never instituted a mask mandate and never shut down any churches from having services during the Covid pandemic. Eddie believes those decisions should be left to pastors and their boards, not the government. He is committed to protecting the freedom of
religion, guaranteed in the First Amendment.


The family unit is the building block of society. Many societal ills can be traced to the erosion of the family. Eddie serves on the Wilkes County Board of Social Services, and he advocates strongly for children and families. He is also pro-life. Being an advocate for the unborn and the Chairman of the Wilkes County Board of Commissioners, Eddie brought to vote a resolution to
designate the county a haven for the unborn (the resolution passed unanimously). All human life deserves dignity, no matter the stage.

Agriculture is the leading economic driver in North Carolina. In addition to being a cattleman himself, Eddie served six years as Chairman of the Agriculture Steering Committee of the NCACC (North Carolina Association of County Commissioners). He advocated in Washington, D.C. for better cattle markets with Agriculture Secretary Pardue, which allowed him to have a
seat at the White House with President Donald Trump on the Japan Trade Agreement in 2019. He was recently appointed Chairman of the Environment Steering Committee with the NCACC, which address issues such as water quality, solid waste management, and recycling, among others. Eddie will always do what is right for agriculture and for the environment.

Agriculture is the leading economic driver in North Carolina. In addition to being a cattleman himself, Eddie served six years as Chairman of the Agriculture Steering Committee of the NCACC (North Carolina Association of County Commissioners). He advocated in Washington, D.C. for better cattle markets with Agriculture Secretary Pardue, which allowed him to have a seat at the White House with President Donald Trump on the Japan Trade Agreement in 2019. He was recently appointed Chairman of the Environment Steering Committee with the NCACC, which address issues such as water quality, solid waste management, and recycling, among others. Eddie will always do what is right for agriculture and for the environment.

Eddie has been married to his wife Shelia for 41 years, and they have a daughter, Melissa, and a son, Matt. Shelia retired from Elkin City Schools as the Accountability Director. Melissa and Matt are Wilkes County high school graduates. Melissa graduated from Surry Community College and East Carolina University. Matt attended Surry Community College and Piedmont
Bible College. Eddie understands the need for a quality education. Between 2020-2021, the Wilkes Commissioners worked with Wilkes Community College and developed a program where every student in Wilkes County that graduates from a Wilkes High School will be eligible to obtain a free two-year degree. Regarding the current issue of Critical Race Theory (CRT), it is pure poison. Eddie will fight it from being taught in NC schools.

With faith at the core of who he is, Eddie and his family attend Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, where he has been a Deacon for over 13 years. He also helps with Operation Christmas Child that Samaritan’s Purse conducts each year.

One of the highlights of his life was founding Blue Ridge Youth Football League in 1994 after seeing the need. Eddie also served as head coach at East Wilkes Middle School for 25 years. His time with local youth showed him how kids need positive role models who will support and encourage them to work hard and reach their goals. Christian, husband, father, business owner, public servant, youth advocate…those words describe the ideal Senate candidate to represent this district. Your vote is humbly asked for and greatly appreciated.


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